Upgrading windows server 2008 to windows server 2019, two step upgrade required

 For upgrading windows 2008 to windows 2019 - it can be straightly done with an in place upgrade to windows server 2019/

To simplify the steps follows:-

1. Upgrade your current windows server 2008 to either windows servre 2012 or 2016 first

2. Then from either 2012 or 2016 upgrade to 2019.

Simple as that.

In most cases there are scenarios where customers with windows server 2008 or 2008 R2 are reaching the maintenance end date, therefore Microsoft gives flexible choices, 

1. Move your Windows 2008 R2 as it is to Microsoft Azure, in which you will be given time of extended warranty, as this gives you time to plan for you future upgrade to Windows server 2019 upgrade. 

You may need to check the latest white papers from Microsoft portal if these features are still available.

Always consider not fogetting ipconfig and systeminfo file to be backup before starting the upgrade.

As for the procedure for upgrading , i would say it's a preety much wizard driven process that you don't have to crack your head so much.

For the steps and screen shots for upgrading, you can already get via google search, youtube for those independent people posting it or get it directly from Microsoft itself since you already would have a runtime license.

Applying SAP Maintenance Certificate - SAP Note 1898812 How to Renew a maintenance certificate


As for SAP maintenance certificate are concern it's very important as if you are planning to update and software within SAP landscape and if your maintenance certificate are not updated, their error would pop up in the abap system hence causing issue.

You can easily request maintenace certificate or license key from SAP one launchpad under 

Application lifecycle management -> SAP Solution Manager -> Processes 7.2 -> Maintenance certiciate. 

The component name of Maintenance certificate in case if you run into issue and you plan to lodge a case with SAP then choose SV-SMG-LIC

Maintenance certificate is just ensuring customers with the right corresponding maintenance agreement are allowed to apply SPAM, SAINT, JSPM and etc..

Remember before you do import or Support packages ensure to apply maintenance certificate others standard error might pop up this is applicable to SPAM/SAINT version 0034.

You might not need to worry if you SAP product is running on SAP Netweaver 7.0 but if its higher then Maintenance certificate is required.

Validity of maintenance certificate is somewhat within 3 months.

As a rule of thumb to checkif you have maintenance certificate just execute t-code SLICENSE and check the New License to see if it displays infor such as Digital -signed License Keys.

Migrating to SAP Hana Database consideration on SAP Netweaver Parameter

Just ome quick tips on parameter to be alert when initiating SAP Netweaver Hana Database Migration  

All Databases: r3load and jload Procedures

While migrating to SAP hana Database consideration requirement for SAP Netweaver Instance parameters


SAP Business Objects BI Essential components

 SAP Business Objects BI Essential components

Do you know the most basic essential component of  SAP Business Objects BI is as below. 

  • Reporting.
  • Data Discovery and Visualization.
  • Application and Dashboard Building.
  • Deployment and Administration.
  • You can also call it centralized suite for reporting dashboard and visualization. While being a BI laters in SAP technology front. It's sophistication makes data to be visualized in a more predominant way. 

Of course as I'm writting based on my own experience therefore the below just based on my experience and not from any master guide perhaps it could be a minimum guide from it.

This is just my shortcut of notes performing installation, however you can always google sap public domain sites for more tips and tricks info or guides. 

Installation quite straight forward all you need in a minimum is 
8GB or more RAM
Disk space of 20GB
CPU around 4 Cores
Windows operating system x64
Java 1.6 or more higher version
Microsoft .Net framwrk and Windows installer all 3.5 higher. 

Check your pre-requisite

The press next on welcome screen and accept the license agreement
After which product key required to be entered. 
Choose your language - English

I normally choose full installation type

You can select whether to configure and install Sybase SQL Anywhere 

You also need to choose the CMS database

You must select Tomcat web application in this case normally it would be TOMCAT 7.0

The configure install subversion 

Proceed with SIA - Server intelligence agent

CMS Port info to be entered. 

Password for Administrator

Configure sybase sql anywhere

Configure Tomcat

Configure HTTP listening port

Enter subversion repository port number, user account and password.

configure SMD agent for solution manager connectivity

You may choose introscope enterprise manager

Finally Start the installation - it will take a short while till you reach Finish installation. 

Post steps

Login to CMC to further configure - you may use the configuration wizard.

SAP Maintenance Planner, Transaction ID, Push to Download Basket, Download Stack.xml

This maybe the qiuckest, simplified note on how to learn about generating stack.xml and what its about.

In the current SAP technology I'm sure those SAP basis folks would have heard or went through the following ways to get their new system or existing system installed or even would have downloaded simplest pluggin of support pakcages to certain extreme. 

But i know rarely SAP basis folks touched so much on Maintenance optimizer, Maintenance Planner, knowing what is Support Package Stacks and side-effect reports outcomes. 

Well today i would like to share with you simple ways to understand SAP Maintenance Planner

Scenario 1 - If you plan to download a new installation 

In Maintenance Planner choose --> Plan a new system 

Scenario 2- If plan for upgrade example SAP ECC6 EHP5 to SAP ECC6 EHP8

In Maintenance Planner choose -->  Choose Explore system

Scenario 3 - If you plan to download Support Packages only 

In Maintenance Planner choose -->  Choose Explore system

Answer : Goto SAP one lauchpad --> login with S user id, -> in the screen goto Maintenance Planner -> Choose Explore system or Plan a new system tab --> enter relevant details such as sap product, db , os and then next button top left all the way till you get few options 

Push to Download basket , Download Stack.XML

So what happens here is that once you have went through the Plan process, maintenance planner have created a repository requirement of all your components required for installation or upgrade, where you dont have to choose manually during those days before maintenance planner existed.

Then at the screen it gives you option either to download on the spot by choosing download basket  and generate Stack.xml where both are required unless if  want to manually perform installation or upgrade. 

Push to Download basket , Download Stack.XML

Define change -> Select Files --> Download Files -- > Complete

As you can see the Push to download basket option, basically what it does, is that all the selected software component are then linked or pushed to your SAP download manager tagged to your S user id. ( In ur repository server you need to have SAP download manager application downloaded which are available in SAP one launch pad download center. 

At the ame time you need to download stack.xml - this is used for installing any system for example sapinst with xxxxxxxstack.xml file and the rest are taken care by the  installation process.

At the end when you click complete - a PDF file given stating your Stack.xml details of all the software selected, purpose of the software and transaction id. 

All downloaded software , stack.xml and PDF file need to be kept in 1 single location. 

You may have notice Transaction ID. what is this?

Well its basically content of all the stack.xml that you have generated, for example if you have generated 10 stacks.xml either r new system or upgrade, then all these are recorded as transaction in the Transaction tab in Maintenance Planner. Therefore in the future you can always enter the Transaction tab and check your Stack.XML that you have created. 

Well hope this helps and clarifies all relevant information required for you to use Maintenance planner confidently. The understanding is very important.

SAP Solution Manager - Internet Demo System


SAP Solution Manager - Internet Demo System

Although most of the SAP Folks knows about IDES in the past and also ABAP Trial download which i think provides MaxDB with Basic ABAP system with 2 downloads... Now things have changed. 

For those people wanting to test and run some test execution on SAP Solution Manager, well there are Internet Demo System being created in the cloud by SAP and it's extremely useful for most of us.

You may visit SAP Portal for the internet demo access for the systems provided. 

Hope you will benefit from SAP Portal...

SAP Greenfield vs Brownfield Approach


I have come across that many SAP Technical Consultants are struggling to relate their current activity which they are already possibly doing in migration and implementation activity related to SAP.  The simple explanation I dedicate to the consultant who needs to understand what is SAP Greenfield and Brownfield approach. 

What is SAP Greenfield Approach?

Well in a simple explanation, 
1. Download media from service marketplace or sap support portal

2. Choose the platform, OS, and Cloud or Datacenter

3. Install and Deliver

4. Build new data, new customization, etc.

Summary - Implementing new SAP application, mainly this concept is being used for implementation of SAP S/4 HANA

What is the SAP Brownfield Approach? 

1. You have the current SAP ECC EHPxx  system with somewhat customization 

2. Planning to migrate the ECC data to SAP S/4 HANA, the meaning of migration is straight forward bringing forward data to the new system without losing them.

3. Most cases Agile approach are being in such implementation as iteration which is a repetition of technical activity are done to get the best output of the desired time.

4. Mainly this approach makes sure that business operation does not get disrupted. 

5. The best advantage of the Brownfield approach is that it gives customers time toe evaluate their current state of reports and tune and fit them to the newly migrated system to function better. 

How to change SAP Hana Sql Output results are limited to 5000 Records

How to change SAP Hana Sql Output results are limited to 5000 Records

These are quick fixes that are often overlooked because the products come with standard configurations.

The SAP Hana SQL Output results in ECLIPSE, for example, have a limit of 5000 records.

With the following setup, you can change this number to a higher one.

Windows Tab - > Preference -> General - > Runtime - > Result -> Maximum number of rows displayed in results. 

2147483647 is usually the maximum record that can be achieved.

How to Start and Stop SAP Hana Tenant Database - Its too simple


How to Start and Stop SAP Hana Tenant Database - Its too simple 

The easiest way for a startup to get started with HANA and explore the administrative side of a Basis career is to use it. Start by learning the basics, for example 

- SAP Hana Studio - What is that?

- SAP Hana DBAcockpit - What is the difference between SAP Hana Studio?

- What is the use of  SAP Hana DB and where it's being used?

What we need to know right now is how to start and stop. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) SAP 

Also, get to know your surroundings

1. HANA DB Cockpit 

2. HANA Studio 


Please try the simplest or most direct approach. SAP Basis who have worked in Oracle administration would be able to see the parallels.

1. Login to SAP HANA Studio

2. Open SQL Console on the SID by right click

3. To Start Hana Tenant DB - Just execute 

 Alter System Start Database [ your tenant DB ]

4. To Stop Hana Tenant - Just execute 

Alter System Stop Database ( your tenant DB) 

Inactive objects in SAP - SE80 / SE11

The inactive objects in SAP sometimes cause issues if you don't have practice in housekeeping them. from the system.

This is a quick way to check inactive objects

1. Execute t-code SE80 and navigate to Repository Browser , explan the tab and and select inactive objects. 

You may decide what you plan to do with the listed objects if its required for certain cases for example : - 

1. Future use of a change development that was never executed in Production system

2. Error left unattended without cleaning up by poor development work

3. Part of abandon objects during projects or after migrating a system where one of the pre-steps are forgetten.

4. During transport error developer forgets to correct and remove or mark in STMS unlocked objects.

Where this inactive object topic arises - 

1. During migration of SAP system

2. During upgrade actvity

3. Not required but sometimes its part of Database upgrade checklist

4. Applicable during Homogenous & Hetrogeneous system copy or refresh

5. System migration

6. Upgrade to Hana

What happens if you left it hanging and don't bother: - 

1. Potential issues arises during Upgrade when one of the phases will detect issue and cause problem.

2. Future critical transport to production during an important event get stopped, it could be that clean was only done in DEV but developer forgets to perform the clean up right up to production system.

3. During system migration, it can garbase such as invalid objects are being brought over to new system, this confuses the future owner of the system just in case issues arises,

 SAP Tables for inactive objects you may click here

There are also ABAP Report to access to these invalid objects

RSSHOW_INACTIVE_OBJECTS SAP ABAP Report - Display Inactive Objects

While exploring the above it's always good to explore SAP Note for further information by following the note 

The below is just some reference points.

2486685 - WARNING: INVALID_SAP_OBJECTS during pre_upgrade_checks.sql

How to kill SAP Hana session - It is easy to end or kill SAP Hana session - Quick Tips

How to kill SAP Hana Session

Do you know if it's simple to locate SAP HANA's IDLE connection session? If so, why do you need to do so? It's most likely because of a zombie session or a procedure where the session is no longer in use.

There's also an intriguing technique that I typically employ when dealing with such difficulties -

2092196 - SAP HANA How-To: Terminating Sessions

You may also use keywords like - SAP HANA terminate session connection disconnect cancel kill hang stuck, KBA, HAN-DB-ENG, SAP HANA DB Engines, HAN-DB, SAP HANA Database, HAN-DB-ENG, SAP HANA DB Engines, HAN-DB, SAP HANA Database, HAN-DB-ENG, SAP HANA DB Engines, HAN-DB, SAP HANA Database, The simplest approach to find out your IDLE session is to do the following: -


Therefore once finding out the session then execute the following ALTER command to end it.


These checks are necessary if any suspicious jobs, sessions, or remote calls are initiated, and the system is left orphaned.

Prince 2 Agile approach on SAP enterprise projects

 It's strange that in SAP projects, SAP Activate are the content to be used in a guided way to conduct,engage into a project or execute BAU activity that are similar to a project. 

However there's always this craving where Programme Manager whom is in charge of the project managers and would always wants to report to the board or rather the PM itself would like to report to the Board / Stakeholders using Prince 2 framework, reporting structure and its methodology. Although since prince 2 carries Agile word in it, that does not differ so much on SAP Activate. But on a broader audience the world outside SAP  likes Prince 2 Agile approach and mostly merging them with SAP Activate approach. 

This also could be because the board or stakeholder might not live or use SAP, since SAP is mostly related to IT projects. However Prince 2 are applicable broadly on any non IT projects as well. that's the reason why such preference are adapted. 

Having said such , SAP Activate is always the key for running SAP projects regardless implementation, migration, BAU and others. 

In a single word SAP Activate methodology in Agile meaning flexibility to deliver your projects and not getting locked into waterfall methodology.

SAP Patch day August 2021

Insight on SAP Patch day release, applying it and some methods based on my opinion.

Normally in any organization there will be a policy governance to apply security notes supplied by SAP. Sometimes a threshold is being set to only apply CVSS level 9 and above. While other organization will apply all of it. 

You can click the CVSS below to find out the scores and why some organization set to certain standard.  --> Common Vulnerability Scoring System Version 3.0 Calculator

The last time its always difficult to match if the note is applicable, however now SAP patch day states the product version as well. That eases the entire thinking of applying patch.

Just to share  there are two ways or more in applying security notes in an easier way.

1 . Using the conventional way that is by DEV -> snote t-code and follow with the standards

2. Using solution manager 

3. It's also highlighted in your EWA  or TPO that some security notes that are required but not highlighted in SAP patch day, yet those on TPO or EWA report are mainly not for threats but more of a fix DB and SAP or OS related fix. 

But there are more towards it. What if you miss the August Patch and then review somewhere in Dec Patch day release. 

Few options as well,

1. Mostly minor kernel update will overcome almost 50 - 60% secuity patches and some support package update might populate the rest of the released security notes.

2. If you have missed security note for more than a yeear then the easy way out is by quarterly support package update, database update.

3. OR if you are lucky and if your organization practices limited CVSS level patch update for example 9 and obove then its even easier but becomes complicated as testing need to be done if the system is 24/7 and run critical operations. 

Well folks thats all - enjoy with you SAP notes and methods and ways to handle it. 

SAP Hana DB restore and Progress details

SAP Hana DB restore and Progress details 

Finding out the progress of the restore and other relevant details may be of interest in SUSE Linux.

It was easy to check the status of backups in previous SAP ERP solutions, regardless of whether we were using third-party tools in the cloud or on-premise....

Your might remember commands like this  # ps -ef * backup*

and most of the time ending it is easily done if its on oracle 

&> alter database end backup; or view the backup log

Hana, on the other hand, doesn't really change much.

All you need to do is cd or change directories to the drive location and view the backup.

Backup and restore activity is recorded in a log file from beginning to end.

#cd /hana/shared/SID/HDB00/HOSTNAME/trace/DB_SID
#ls -lrt *backup*

SAP Hana Numeric Error Codes

There's no doubt that SAP Hana will be A large number of numeric error codes, which I thought might be helpful, appeared on my screen. Simple select statements will now be used to extract these codes.

select * from M error codes order by asc;