How to set up Gateway logging

You want to log the actions of the SAP Gateway. This is especially interesting if you use external programs regularly and you want to ensure a smooth operation.

Using the profile parameter gw/logging

You can use the parameter gw/logging to activate/deactivate logging for certain actions.

The parameter has the following syntax:
The individual options mean the following:

1. ACTION: You can log the following actions:

           (T): Network actions: Opening and closing network connections

           (E): Starting external programs

           (R): Registering/deregistering servers

           (S): Security settings and their changes (reloading files)

           (s): Only rejected secinfo and reginfo accesses; see also (Z).

           (M): Monitor commands

           (P): Dynamic changes to parameters

           (X): Start/stop/signals of the Gateway

           (V): Creating and deleting conversation IDs

           (O): Opening RFC connections

           (C): Open/close/data traffic for RFC connections

           (Z): Secinfo and reginfo accesses for which no rule applies.

2. LOGFILE: Name of the log file:

           Special characters that are replaced for the runtime may occur in the file name:

           %y : Year

           %m : Month

           %d : Day

           %h : Hour

           %t : Minute

           %s : Second

           For example: gw_log_%y-%m-%d is replaced for: gw_log-2007-02-28

3. MAXSIZEKB: Maximum size of the log file in kilobytes:

           When the file exceeds this size, a new file is opened and the new file name may change if the special characters are used. This is the case unless a condition is specified for SWITCHTF that occurs beforehand.

4. SWITCHTF: Open a new file again after a certain amount of time unless a condition was specified for MAXSIZEKB that occurs beforehand.

           You can specify the following values here:

           year  : a new file is opened after a year

           month : after a month

           week  : after a week

           day   : after a day

           hour  : after an hour

5. FILEWRAP: Reusing the file

           This parameter can have only the value "on". If this value is set, no new file is written, rather the file already opened is reset and described again. The special values for the parameter LOGFILE are used only when you open the file for the first time.


If the parameter is set to the value
gw/logging: ACTION=SPXM LOGFILE=gw_log-%y%m%d SWITCHTF=day
security settings, dynamic parameter changes, signals to the Gateway and monitor commands are logged.

Caution: You must create a secinfo.dat and a reginfo.dat accordingly in order to separate reginfo and secinfo in logging. Otherwise, you see only secinfo entries (also for server registrations). For more information, read the online documentation on the SAP Help Portal.

Gateway Monitor

Logging settings were implemented in the Gateway Monitor (transaction SMGW). To do so, proceed as follows::

Transaction SMGW -> Goto -> Expert Functions -> Logging

When you call this, the current setting is displayed. If the caller has the required authorization (AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT 'S_ADMI_FCD' ID 'S_ADMI_FCD' FIELD 'PADM'), he/she can change and activate the settings. They are then active immediately for the Gateway. Deactivating all log events causes the open file to close.

This function is also provided in earlier releases. The following kernel patches are required for this:

7.00: 119
6.40: 194

You must import the corresponding Support Packages for the Gateway Monitor enhancements.
620 SAPKB62063
640 SAPKB64021
700 SAPKB70013

You can also use the function without these Support-Packages; to do so, you must enter the parameter gw/logging as described above in the instance profile with the required attributes.

For kernel release 640, the parameter
gw/resolve_phys_addr = 1
must be set, otherwise the system logs only the IP addresses instead of the host names.


The documentation for gateway logging is available on the Help Portal at:
The documentation for Gateway administration is available at:

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