Create New Data Class in SAP (Oracle)

1. Look at the DDART table. You may see a list of all the active, created data classes in your SAP system in the table.

2. Ensure the tablespace are known to the SAP system.

3. Log into your SQLplus account. Insert a new value into the DDART database to create a new data class.
SQL> select * from SAPSR3.DDART;
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 TABART                                    NOT NULL VARCHAR2(15)
 DDCLASS                                   NOT NULL VARCHAR2(9)
SQL> insert into SAPSR3.DDART (TABART, DDCLASS) values
SQL> commit;
4. You must now connect the newly formed data class to the memory area (tablespace). You'll need to update the tables TAORA and IAORA with the new data class. SQLplus can alternatively be used to complete these processes.

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