KEWROCISTMTEXEC - encountered error: (ORA-00904: "SYS"."DBMS_SWRF_INTERNAL

Subject :KEWROCISTMTEXEC - encountered error: (ORA-00904: "SYS"."DBMS_SWRF_INTERNAL"."AWR_DECODE_OBJECT_TYPE": invalid identifier
Recently had dpf_m000.trc memory monitor reporting error to fix it refer to this site
SAP note Note 582427 - Error due to inconsistent Oracle DDIC also help on this especially direct instruction in part of the note is
"If the problems already occur when you install the Oracle database, then execute catalog.sql and catproc.sql, regardless of the Oracle version you are using. " but after this you have to startup normal and execute recompile which is the utlrp.sql

Also refer to this note
Note 582427 - Error due to inconsistent Oracle DDIC
Note 648203 - Database objects with INVALID status

Correct answer:-
they just recommend to startup upgrade --> execute catalog.sql and catproc.sql and shutdown immediate --> startup and execute utlrp.sql to recompile. I've tried and it resolved the below issue ORA-00904

*** ACTION NAME:(Auto-Flush Slave Action) 2013-03-19 15:00:23.374
*** MODULE NAME:(MMON_SLAVE) 2013-03-19 15:00:23.374
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$BACKGROUND) 2013-03-19 15:00:23.374
*** SESSION ID:(254.3838) 2013-03-19 15:00:23.374
*** KEWROCISTMTEXEC - encountered error: (ORA-00904: "SYS"."DBMS_SWRF_INTERNAL"."AWR_DECODE_OBJECT_TYPE": invalid identifier

  *** SQLSTR: total-len=1815, dump-len=240,
      STR={insert into wrh$_seg_stat_obj          ( snap_id          , dbid          , ts#          , obj#          , dataobj#          , owner          , object_name          , subobject_name          , partition_type          , object_type          }
*** KEWRAFM1: Error=13509 encountered by kewrfteh

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