662463 - Immediate start: Job does not start

You want to start a job immediately. However, instead of starting, it remains in the status 'Ready'.

Other Terms
enq_job, job lock, lock logic, BP_JOB_MODIFY

Reason and Prerequisites
If a job is started, it is protected from other accesses by a logical block.
When a job is started immediately using the function module BP_JOB_MODIFY, the logical block is temporarily removed and set again. If the job is locked by another process during this short period (for example, Time Scheduler), the job leaves the immediate start routine and remains in an inconsistent status. The Time Scheduler cannot start this job either.

Implement the corresponding Support Package or the correction instructions.

Header Data

Released On 06.04.2004 11:37:22
Release Status Released for Customer
Component BC-CCM-BTC Background Processing
Priority Correction with medium priority
Category Program error

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