Note 1014782 - FAQ: MaxDB system copy

This note deals with questions and answers about the MaxDB/liveCache system copy.
General and frequent questions about the system copy are answered although this note does not claim to be exhaustive.
    1. What is a homogeneous system copy?
    2. What are big endian and little endian? Which endian do I use?
    3. Where do I find information about the homogeneous system copy of a MaxDB database?
    4. What is a heterogeneous system copy?
    5. Which tool is used to perform a heterogeneous system copy?
    6. Where do I find information about the liveCache system copy?
    7. What do I have to consider after a homogeneous liveCache system copy?
    8. How do I perform a heterogeneous system copy of a content server?
    9. What do I have to consider for a heterogeneous system copy using R3load?
    10. What do I have to consider for the heterogeneous system copy of a BW system?
    11. Can I use the split mirror technology for a system copy?
    12. Where can I find more information about a system copy?
Other terms
System copy, heterogeneous system copy, homogeneous system copy, R3Load, loadercli, backup, recovery
Reason and Prerequisites
You use MaxDB /liveCache Version 7.5 or higher.

Further FAQ notes about MaxDB/live Cache are available available on SDN (SAP Developer Network):
    1. What is a homogeneous system copy?

    For a system copy, the following must apply:

    a) The target system is a host that has the same behavior concerning byte swapping as the source host.

    b) The version of the target database is the same as or higher than the version of the source database. This requirement applies as of MaxDB Version 7.5.
    2. What are big endian and little endian? Which endian do I use?

    For more information, see Note 552464.
    3. Where do I find information about the homogeneous system copy of a MaxDB database?

    You can use backup and recovery to perform a homogeneous system copy of a MaxDB database instance.

    For more information about the procedure, see the installation documentation about the homogeneous system copy as well as Note 129352.
    4. What is a heterogeneous system copy?

    For a heterogeneous system copy, the following must apply:

    a) The processors in the two systems (target system and source system) do NOT use the same byte sorting (little endian -> big endian; big endian -> little endian).

    b) On the source host, a different database system is used than on the target host (for example,  Oracle -> MaxDB).

    c) A heterogeneous liveCache system copy may also occur if the conditions mentioned under a) and b) are not met.  Therefore, you must refer to Note 457425 in the liveCache environment.
    5. Which tool is used to perform a heterogeneous system copy?

    In general, you can use the tool R3load for the heterogeneous system copy of an OLTP or BW database.

    Exceptions are content server instances and liveCache instances.

    Since the content server is not included in the SAP Data Dictionary, you cannot use R3load to perform the system copy.  You can use the MaxDB tool loadercli for this system copy.

    For a heterogeneous system copy of a liveCache instance, you cannot copy the data structures of the LCA objects.  The liveCache data is stored in the APO system or the SCM system, and the liveCache is reinstalled on the target system.  Then the data is reloaded from the APO system or SCM system to the liveCache.
    6. Where do I find information about the liveCache system copy?

    If you want to perform a system copy for an SAP liveCache instance, see Notes 457425 and 632357.

    Note 886103 describes the system copy of an SAP SCM system as of Version SCM 4.0.
    Note 210564 describes the system copy of an SAP APO system.
    7. What do I have to consider after a homogeneous liveCache system copy?

    See Note 877203.

    The connection data to the liveCache is stored in the database table DBCON.  Since this table is also copied, you must ensure that the connection data is adjusted accordingly for the target system using transaction LC10.

    See also Note 1015489.
    8. How do I perform a heterogeneous system copy of a content server?

    You use the MaxDB tool loadercli to perform the heterogeneous system copy of a content server.  For information about how to proceed, see Note 962019.
    9. What do I have to consider for a heterogeneous system copy using R3load?

    a) Parameter settings in the target system with MaxDB:

    - Size of the data cache:
    Ensure that a sufficient size is configured for the data cache. The general rule for the productive SAP operation is that the configured data cache size amounts to 1% of the total size of the occupied data area.  For the period in which the data is loaded, the cache size must be increased in accordance with the memory that is available on the host.

    - Parameter MAXCPU:
    During loading in MaxDB, you must set the parameter MAXCPU to the number of processors in the database server.

    b) Data export
    For the export, the data must be unloaded in accordance with the key sequence.  For more information, see Note 954268.

    c) Export/import:
    With split tables, use the parallel export.  We recommend that the import is performed sequentially if the records were previously unloaded in the key sequence.

    d) Index creation
    Note that the large indexes must not be loaded in parallel.  This ensures that several server tasks can be used for the index creation. For more information about the MaxDB index structure, see FAQ Note 928037.

    e) Precompiler runtime version
    If you use the following precompiler runtime versions:
    7.4.03 build 44 or higher AND below 7.4.03 build 49
    7.5.00 build 39 or higher AND below 7.5.00 build 44

    refer to Note 1043735.
    10. What do I have to consider for the heterogeneous system copy of a BW system?

    To load the data without impairing the system performance, you must sort the data in accordance with the key sequence when unloading using R3load.

    Also read the following notes:
    954268 Optimization of export: Unsorted unloading
    777024 BW3.0 and BW3.1 system copy (supplementary note)
    771209 NetWeaver 04: System copy (supplementary note)
    888210 NetWeaver 7.0/7.10: System copy (supplementary note)
    11. Can I use the split mirror technology for a system copy?

    For more information, see Note 371247.
    12. Where can I find more information about a system copy?

    For more information about the system copy, see the SAP Developer Network how-to at the following link:
Header Data

Release Status:Released for Customer
Released on:28.08.2013  13:01:50
Master Language:German
Priority:Recommendations/additional info
Primary Component:BC-DB-SDB MaxDB
Secondary Components:BW-SYS-DB-SDB BW MaxDB
Affected Releases
Related Notes

1043735 - Missing BLOB entries after export/transport
1015489 - Connection problems after system copy
1013441 - Upgrade required: Advantages for MaxDB on 64-bit platforms
954268 - Optimization of export: Unsorted unloading
888210 - NW 7.**: System copy (supplementary note)
886103 - System Landscape Copy for SAP SCM
777024 - BW3.0 and BW3.1 System copy (supplementary note)
771209 - NetWeaver 04: System copy (supplementary note)
632357 - Backing up liveCache data for SCM 4.0 or higher
552464 - What is Big Endian / Little Endian? What Endian do I have?
457425 - Homogeneous liveCache copy using backup/restore
371247 - MaxDB and "Split Mirror" techniques
129352 - Homogeneous system copy with MaxDB (SAP DB)

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